Cantos para Adviento, Navidad y Tiempo Ordinario
Cantos para Adviento, Navidad y Tiempo Ordinario
Cantos para Adviento, Navidad y Tiempo Ordinario
Cantos para Adviento, Navidad y Tiempo Ordinario
Cantos para Adviento, Navidad y Tiempo Ordinario
Cantos para Adviento, Navidad y Tiempo Ordinario
Cantos para Adviento, Navidad y Tiempo Ordinario
Created in line with the National Directory for Catechesis, El Señor Nos Invita is part of a long-term effort by OCP to expand the repertoire of music in Spanish for Masses with children. Singing these songs in the classroom and in the liturgy, Hispanic children can pray, worship and learn the faith in the context of "their own language" and culture.
This second volume features 15 songs for Advent, Christmas and Epiphany as well as a few options for Ordinary Time. Although geared toward celebrations with children, the music on this volume—like the first—can be sung by parishioners of any age.
The majority of the songs were written especially for this collection by some of the top composers of Hispanic music, including Santiago Fernández, Bob Hurd, Estela García-López, Rodolfo López and many more! The eclectic mix of styles—everything from pop and ballad to joropo venezolano, samba and more—make for a wonderful variety of refreshing new songs.
One of four bilingual songs, “Gaudete” by Albert Coppo makes a beautiful and versatile addition to any Advent service. The vibrant rumba flamenca style of Damaris Thillet’s and the late Diego Correa’s “Celebremos Navidad” will add a joyous touch to any Christmas Mass.
May this collection of fun, upbeat and easy-to-learn songs quickly find a home in your parish or school’s repertoire, and in this way, enrich your community for years to come.